Sunday, December 28, 2008

West confuses Gender with Sexual Orientation as a conspiracy against men

The West confuses Gender with Sexual Orientation... Masculine male Gender with Heterosexuality, and Feminine male gender with 'homosexuality' ... that is why it has changed the traditional "man" identity into 'heterosexual' identity (straight), and the "Third Sex/ Queer" identity into the 'homosexual' identity.

This confusion has been deliberately created by the Forces of Heterosexualization, by unacknowledging Gender as a natural trait, (ascribing it to mere social roles), and then going on to explain the gender differences between masculine and feminine males in terms of 'sexual orientation' -- the masculine males as 'heterosexuals', and the feminine males as 'homosexuals'.

This amounts to calling masculine as 'straight' and feminine as 'gay', (and this is why the 'gay' identity is unsuitable for masculine males who like men)

For the Forces of Heterosexualization, to create this confusion was difficult but not impossible because, the groundwork for this was already done through thousands of years of tying manhood with reproductive sex with women (although not heterosexuality as such), and at least two thousand five hundred years of tying queerhood/ effeminacy/ third sex with receptive anal sex (though not a sexual interest in men as such). To create this confusion required a huge social investment that was made possible only through the gains of industrialization, upon which the forces of heterosexualization had full control.

Eventhough the Western society and especially the Forces of Heterosexualization (and that includes the real gays, i.e. who fit in the 'gay' identity) insist on using the formal definitions that create confusion, in practice there are a number of evidences that the term straight is actually used for "masculine" and not necessarily 'heterosexual'... while the term 'gay' is actually used interchangeably for 'feminine' and not necessarily 'homosexual'. Examples are the concepts of "straight acting" (which mean masculine-acting, and not heterosexual acting) and "Queer heterosexual" (which means feminine heterosexual, not homosexual-heterosexual -- which is absurd). Similarly, a very common phrase in the Western world, used by gays themselves is, "he looks so 'gay'", which is meant as "he looks as if he is effeminate", and not that "he looks as if he likes men". Many gays complain that they don't like other gays wearing their gayness on the sleeve. What they're objecting to, in fact, is wearing their 'femininity' on the sleeve, and not their 'sexual attraction for men'. These are just confused as 'one' by the gays.

These double standards and befooling people with confusing identities suit the gays (i.e. queers who like men) perfectly well, since they are one of the biggest beneficiaries of the homosexualization of man-man love -- an integral part of a society's heterosexualization. But, it is in the interest of the masculine gendered males to use the actual definition of 'gay' and 'straight'. And these are:

1. Straight: A masculine gendered male, irrespective of sexual preferences.
2. Gay: A feminine gendered male, irrespective of sexual preferences.

You can see that to use these real definitions, you have to rebel against the concept of sexual orientation, to reject it altogether.

The 'heterosexual(ized)' straight men would be too happy with this definition, just like the non-heterosexualized straights, although, in the beginning, they may not have the courage to acknowledge their support -- again for the fear of being labelled 'gay'. But eventually, they will be the biggest beneficiaries of using these definitions for what they are, for they will be liberated from compulsory heterosexuality and foregoing their same-sex needs, in order to be 'one of the guys'.

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