Sunday, December 28, 2008

Heterosexuality is Queer

Sexual orientation is in fact changeable, its Gender Orientation which is unchangeable for the most part. This is how the heterosexual identity has been made possible -- by forcing people to transfer all their sexual needs towards women, through innumerable psycho-social mechanisms.

Heterosexuality involves overcoming the natural barrier that exists between masculinity and femininity, that is naturally there between males and females. This natural barrier or repulsion is only absent in queer males or queer females... queer males tend not to have a natural resistance to women, and ditto with queer females. (Queer here means third gender, not 'homosexual').

In masculine males, this natural repulsion to women is only overcome during the short period when the men are 'in heat'. This happens rarely in nature, as most of the sexual needs of men are fulfilled with other men. It is during this short period -- the mating period -- that the masculine male loses his natural barrier and approaches the female, but as soon as his state of 'trance' is over, his natural repulsion to females returns.

Heterosexualization involves overcoming this natural repulsion or resistance to women by masculine males, through innumerable social mechanisms and conditioning. And this is not possible without queering men, which means developing a man's feminine side. This is made possible through various social mechanisms which force men to 'queer' themselves, ironically, in order to get social manhood and power. Men will do any thing for social manhood, even give up their natural manhood and adopt queerhood.

Of course, its not only men who are queered as part of heterosexualization. Women meet them half-way, as they are queered too -- i.e. they are 'masculinized'. And since men are attracted to power, once heterosexualized they get attracted to these socially powerful women. But in the process, men get pretty disempowered, vulnerable and broken from each other -- as individuals and as a group. Something they realise only once they fall out of women.

As also, that this heterosxualization process never totally queers men. Most of the heterosexuality that we see in the society is a pretense, a forced heterosexuality, which is nevertheless cherished by masculine males because they deep down, through conditioning associate it with 'manhood'. It is not easy to work out that conditioning out of them, especially as long as the society is being controlled by the Forces of Heterosexualization.

So, how do you liberate straight men, who don't even want to consider being liberated...? who believe that the oppressive mechanisms of man's oppression are actually doing them a great service by heterosexualizing them.

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