Saturday, August 23, 2008

male-male bonds thrive in nature, male-female bonds industrialised/ heterosexualised/ Western societies

In nature (i.e. under natural circumstances) masculine male-male (sexual) bonds have a natural advantage, while in man-made heterosexual societies its the male-female bonds that have a natural advantage (because of heavy manipulation by the forces of heterosexualisation).
This is because under natural circumstances, the masculinity of men makes it impossible for them to relate with women, socially, emotinally or sexually. The heterosexual society crushes this natural masculinity, replaces it with queer/ heterosexual brand of social masculinity and suppresses the ability of men to form bonds with men, except for superficial social bonds.
It is then (after this heterosexualisation takes place, something which requires immense social resources which industrialisation brought) male-female bonds get a social advantage over natural male-male bonds.

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