Saturday, August 2, 2008

Difference between 'deshi' and things 'Western'

There is an important difference between everything that is modern and western and those that are traditional and non-Western.

While everything that is western or originates from the West is obssessed with the materialistic aspect, the physical aspect, of how things look -- so much so that only what can be seen becomes important. What is behind what is visible becomes unimpportant, useless. Extreme value is attached to what can be seen.

So, everything looks larger than life in the West. Looks more glamoruous, more attractive. But, the moment you look within or behind that larger than life image, its completely hollow, beswaad.

The traditional/ non-western things lay more stress on the inside, though not necessarily ignoring the outside. They rather stress on a balance between outside and inside. So, the more backwards you go in time, things have more essence, they're solid. And that is what really counts.

We call the traditional/ non-western as "deshi".

To take an example, the hybrid variety of pudina brought from the West, looks extra large. it's really big and dark green in colour. So, naturally it looks more enticing than the 'deshi' pudina, which is much smaller in size and much less 'glamorous' in front of its 'western' counterpart.

But when you eat that western pudina (mint), it is so tasteless, so bland, lifeless. And when you eat the deshi pudina, its so full of taste, so full of life. If you have eaten that deshi pudina, which unfortunately, is not widely availalble in Indian cities today, you will never like to have the western ones, no matter how good they look.

It's the same with western social manhood and traditional social manhood.

asli cheez asli cheez hi hoti hai. Khali dikhane se koi asli nahin ho jaataa.

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