Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Forces of Heterosexualization aren's natural but man made!

Perhaps, there is no 'natural' vested interest group or "forces of heterosexualisation".

It is possible that this Force has been totally created by man, like a machine which was originally meant to serve man, but then started to rule him instead. Now this monster created by humans is out of men's control, and they are unable to stop him. So, they have no option but submit to it.

How? This is how... When humans (the ruling class in all probability) started to devise mechanisms to force new definitions of manhood on men (that forced them to have sex with women, to get married to them to produce more and more children), the most potent thing that they developed was the "race for social manhood". Through this race they brought in the concept of peer-pressure. Men were rewarded for killing their inner-selves and fulfilling the demands of social manhood. In this process when the more they mowed down other men in the fray, the more social manhood points they got. So men willingly started to compete with each to put each other down, to throw the pressures already devised by the society on each other, and just doing that ensured that they got loads of social manhood without doing much. They were amply rewarded for this cut throat competition.

And today, when the societies have been suitably heterosexualised, (in which again this cut throat competition played a strong part), men have been given new more stringent and anti-man rules of social manhood and more severe punishments in the form of 'gay', men force these new labels on each other in order to get those precious extra manhood points -- which are even more useful for survival as men now -- which they also need to aurvive in this 'heterosexualised' space.

So, the people who invent new mechanisms and keep the old ones going do it not because they are naturally made to benefit from the fruits of their actions, but because they hope to get short terms gains in the race for social manhood, out of it.

They are the least mindful of (not that they know this) how badly this would affect men as a whole in the future.

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