Saturday, October 18, 2008

Types of Straight men

Straight Men in heterosexualized spaces consist of the following:

All of the following have significant to exclusive sexual attraction for men, although most will never ever acknowledge it.

1. Straight acting heterosexuals: These are people who fit in the most snuggly in the heterosexualized spaces, because they are naturally capabale of an emotional and social bond with women and they relish it. They have a significant femininity inside them, which is often disguised by extreme social manhood granted to them under the straight identity. They also often have a strong desire to cross-dress or even transexual tendencies. Their visible feminine acts are often ignored by the enormous artificial 'masculine' image that comes with the 'heterosexual' tag in heterosexualized societies.

They are actually meterosexual males, that is they have a strong femininity, but also have enough masculinity to have a masculine ego. While they have a strong sexual desire for men, their emotional desire is partly or completely towards women. The more their emotional/ social bonding desire is towards women, the more queer they are.

Some of them are however, made 'heterosexual' through the various mechanisms of heterosexualization of men.

2. Real straights: These are males who are masculine and the real constituent of the men's spaces or the real 'straights'. Their primary characteristics include:

- they are predominantly masculine gendered.
- they have no natural desire for emotional or social bonding with women, in fact, by nature, they are quite averse to it.

Real straights can be further divided into two parts:

- Type 1: Those who have a purely physical desire for women (largely vaginal intercourse), ranging from strong to moderate. However, this desire is not constant but intermittant/ periodical, and is largely non-discriminatory, i.e. they usually just need a release and are not very choosy about who they take as a partner. However, if they have freedom, they are very choosy about who they choose as a male partner. Under natural circumstances, (which is altered by the heterosexualization of men and society) they tend to be promiscuous vis a vis women, but committed and monogamous vis a vis a man partner.

- Type II: Core Group: Those who, as far as their real nature is concerned, have minimal to no physical desire for women. However, they have to pretend such a desire to stay in the straight group in a heterosexualized society, and are one of the most disadvantaged groups.

The machoest straight men come from this group. This group is also the core of the straight space or the men's spaces. They hold the men's spaces together, and are the real strength or power of men's spaces and of men. The rest of their qualities are similar to those of Type I mentioned above.

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