Thursday, October 2, 2008

If 'homosexual' just referred to sex between men it would not have been a problem.

If 'gay' or 'homosexual' just meant sex between men or sexual interest between two men, it would not have been a problem at all. If it was just used to refer to the sex acts that any (straight) man could indulge in or likely to have the desire to indulge in, without losing his manhood or the straight identity, it would not have been a problem at all.
In fact Indian straight men did not really mind using it at all in the beginning for their own sexuality for men, before the heterosexualisation process slowly started, because they thought it only meant 'sex between men'. So, a straight man could easily say, "let's have homo sex" to his pal without his manhood being threatened in anyway. All that changed about 6 years ago...
The real problem with these terms is that, they don't really just mean 'sexuality between men'. The concept of 'homosexuality' comes with lots of extremely invalid implicit and explicit assumptions and baggages, viz.:
1) It propagates and designates you as being 'different' from other men, when actually you are just one of them.
2) It propagates that only a minority of males have this trait, while the rest, designated as 'straights' do not, when the truth is that All men have a sexual need for men.
3) It is used to isolate you from the masculine mainstream male group, called 'straight' in the West, and throws you with the feminine gendered males in the third sex 'gay' space, when you're actually the hallmark of straight.
4) It propagates that gay or homosexuality is a feminine or effeminate trait, and people who have this trait are essentially 'different' from people who go by the straight identity and so are assumed not to have this trait.

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