Saturday, October 18, 2008

Globalized definitions of Straight and Gay:

The concept of 'sexual orientation' invented in the modern West requires a highly artificial society to make any sense. First it requires intense heterosexualizing of men's spaces and of men, and then generating intense fear amongst men's minds for any kind of man to man intimacy in the men's (straight) spaces, so that they can be banished from men's spaces into third sex 'gay' space.

The non-western societies, are still largely non-industrialized and thus do not have enough resources to bring about such artificial and unnatural reorganisation of their society. Therefore, when, under the process of globalization, the concepts of 'straight' and 'gay' are applied in the non-heterosexualized world, a new definition of these terms emerges -- which is a combination of the West and the Eastern viewpoints.

The following are the definitions that are finally emerging out of this process:

STRAIGHTS: Straights are members of men's spaces. The membership of these spaces, or in other words, the criteria for social manhood is different in heterosexualized and traditional societies.

In traditional societies 'straight' means any masculine gendered male. In terms of sexual preference he is supposed to be the penetrator, and may penetrate man, woman or gay.

In hetrosexualized societies, the membership to straight spaces are reserved only for man's sexual interest in women (whether real or not).

GAYS: Gays are members of the Third gender spaces. The membership of Gay spaces are also different in heterosexualized and traditional societies.

In traditional societies, 'gay' means effeminate males who have receptive anal sex with men.

In heterosexualized societies 'gay' is defined to include all kinds of non-woman sexual interest in men, including both a man's sexual interest in men and a queer's sexual interest in men.

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