Thursday, October 2, 2008

Concepts of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality: Part of Western conspiracy against men

The concept of sexual orientation in general and homosexuality in particular, allows the Western society to keep an 'open' facade about things sexual, and at the sametime mess up extensively from behind the scenes, with the definitions, identities and spaces they have created -- of straights and gays.

So, from behind the scenes, they exert extreme pressures on men in the mainstream space (straight) to be (exclusively) heterosexual (sic), while at the sametime loading the homosexual identity with these extremely stigmatised and discriminatory and false baggages:

- That its different
- That its feminine
- That its a minority

And then the Forces of Heterosexualisation work overnight, manipulating powerful social institutions like science and media, to concretize these baggages on male-male sexuality and the extreme pressures on 'straight' defined men.

So, you have all these scientific theories proving that gays (which is assumed to include all males who like men, only because their own definition says so: Its a circulatory argument typical of Christian societies) are diferent from straights, (not only in terms of sexuality, but also in terms of gender) and are more like women. So, you have all these frivolous sounding researches proving, after spending loads of public money, that gays have brains like women, they walk like women, they react like women, and so on and so forth.

There is nothing wrong with these researches, except that gays actually represent only the feminine gendered males who like men, not all men who like men. And that most straight men have a strong sexual need, sometimes exclusive sexual need for men, even though they are conditioned and pressurised to hate, hide and disown this need. That the actual differnce between 'gay' and 'straight' is not that of sexuality (i.e. homosexual/ heterosexual), but of Gender (i.e. feminine/masculine). And that what these theories actually find out is that the feminine gendered males are different from masculine gendered males and are more like women. It has nothing to do with men liking men, but to do with the feminine gender of these males. Therefore, even if you study and compare feminine gendered males who like women, you will find the same differences. Would they, then, say that men who like women are dissimilar to straight men and similar to women?

The media on its part spreads these half-baked, ill conceived theories as gospel truths without ever questioning them. Because, Media is also part of the conspiracy against men, since its controlled by the Forces of Heterosexualisation.

Since the homosexual space is already built on the extremely stigmatised, different, queer (feminine), minority, third sex -- so the base to paint it as unmanly or half-male/ half-female is already there. The Forces of Heterosexualisation, through their formal definitions, just hide this essence/ basis of the homosexual space, so what appears from outside is male-male sexuality, but from behind the scenes, it manipulates the third sex aspect to the hilt. And in a way, that no one can question -- to question you would have to go the basics of the Western society which is very powerful.


By creating the concept of homosexuality in such an extremely manipulative and anti-man manner, the Western society successfully marginalises man to man sexuality and any discourse on the topic, for men in the mainstream, who are in any case forced to define themselves as (exclusively and perpetually) heterosexual. Man to man sexuality can only be discussed, analysed or studied within the limited context of the space allocated to it by the heterosexual society -- i.e., the marginalised third gender space. It's exactly the similar situation, when you seek to study homosexualtiy in the context of mental asylums, so you are bound to find out that homosexuality is a mental disorder. Likewise, when you study man to man sexuality in the context of the third sex 'homosexual' or 'gay' space, you are bound to infer that men who like men are different from 'straight' men (who are masculine) and similar to women (who are feminine).

Now isn't that something that the non-Western world always, always knew from time immemorial -- that the third sex is like women from inside. That is why they called them half men and half women. It is the Western society which had forgotten this and many other truths about natural male gender and sexuality, because of the Christian influence.

However, unlike the modern West, the ancients never confused third sex with man's sexual interest in men -- something they always considered a masculine trait. They always differentiated between a man's (in Western context, a straight man's) sexual love for men and a third gender's sexual interest in men. The former was much deeper and meaningful. The latter was more of a physical nature, seeking promiscuous receptive anal and oral sex from men. Exactly the stuff the homosexual identity is made up of.

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