Friday, October 31, 2008

Homosexuals usurp straight male icons

After defining 'homosexuality' as love between males of all gender (including the queer, third gender males, who are not even men as per historical or traditional standards), gays have gone ahead with claiming the ancient men who love men as 'homosexuals', no matter if it was the majority of mainstream men (which can only mean straight men, since gays are only 10%)... and their love is included as history of gays and GLBT.

Nothing could be more wrong than this.

How can Alexander be a Catamite. It were the effeminate catamites who received penetrative sex from men who were the Catamites or the gay of the times. By changing the definition you can't change history or biology of people.

Third sex are not men. Men are not Third sex. That is why Queer heterosexuals are not counted as straights.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Why do men hate femininity?

The only reason that men hate male femininity and queers is that it is held out as a threat to them for rebelling against social, fake manhood, that force men to behave in unmanly ways in order to be counted as men.

Men hate third gender because they see them as punishment.

And masculine men who accept their sexuality for men have a special reason to hate queers in the heterosexualized world. And it is the fact that they are forced to share the same identity as queers, and their own gender (man, masculine male) is negated. And that they are broken from the group that they really belong to (straight).

Otherwise, male femininity is very natural, and there's nothing in there to hate as such. In fact in ancient societies, the third gender was really respected and liked by all and sundry.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Heterosexuality belongs in the LGBT world, not man to man bonds

If anything belongs in the third gender, queer, LGBT world, its male heterosexuality, not masculine man to man bonds. These bonds are the base of manhood or straighthood.

Why should man-woman intimacy not be allowed in public in traditional societies

This is what I wrote in response to a remark about how straight men always hold hands in public as show of their masculine behaviour, while men hardly ever hold hands with women in public, and that it would be nice if that could happen too:

It would ideally be nice if men and women could hold hands in India in public as well. However, there is a problem...

This freedom comes with the Western kind of heterosexualization. And, this westernization creates severe disempowerment and hostility against man to man intimacy... so, the freedom given to male-female intimacy is inversely proportional to the freedom that men have to show intimacy with each other. Both of these privileges have been snatched from man to man intimacy long ago.

You must understand that sexuality for women has immense social power attached to it by heterosexualized societies. It's only matched by the disempowerment or queering of man to man intimacy. Under such circumstances, men start showing intimacy towards women just to gain that social power, and avoid intimacy with men in order to escape extreme disempowerment.,

Not only that. Not all straight men really want intimacy with females, If informal men's spaces are heterosexualized in this manner too (like allowing male-female intimacy), they will be forced to be socially intimate with women in order to retain their social position as a (straight) man. I am already seeing that happening a lot in Indian westernized spaces, including in schools and colleges.

Under such circumstances, it is much better not to allow male-female intimacy that freedom in the public sphere, because after all, men and women are allowed to be intimate in private, and in marriage they carry a lot of privileges and power, Both of these have been snatched from men a long time ago, from our societies.

Male to male intimacy has no place in our societies,,, except in men's personal spaces, where they're greatly valued by men, If male-female intimacy is going to grab this last space (like it did in the West) that male intimacy has, it is sure to drive out male-male intimacy by wielding its immense social power and manhood attached to it (which male-male intimacy has been denuded of) -- as wherever there's unreasonable, unearned power, there will be abuse of it. If this happens, male-male intimacy would be finally driven totally out of the social mainstream, into third sex gay ghettos, like in the West,

That would be really unfortunate,

Why does heterosexuality need to take all of the social mainstream, including formal and informal spaces? If in the formal space its been given total control, it should be content with leaving the informal mainstream space to men.
Posted 19 minutes ago.

Who is 'gay' for the straight men

Straight men are pretty aware about the fact that all men have strong sexual feelings towards other men... and no matter what the definitions formally, say, they are very clear in their minds about who is 'gay' and who is not. It is NOT being attracted to men that makes you gay... rather it is the following two things which does:

1) An acknowledgement of this sexual need for men.

2) A sexual disinterest in women/ or (in traditional societies) an 'inability' (or what is considered to be an inability) to have vaginal sex with women.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Heterosexual women

The whores of not too long back a time are redefined as 'heterosexual women' by the heterosexualized society.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Straight men can't take the rare opportunities to form sexual bonds with men because of their conditioning

Its not only that the society is so hostile that it doesn't allow sexual bonds between straight men that they can't happen -- the oppression against men runs so deep that it controls the depths of straight men's psyches -- that even with the best of intentions and desire, when men do get an opportunity to form a bond with another man, they are so conditioned to foresake such bonds that they lose those rare opportunities when they arise.

Killing same-sex needs like you kill bugs or an infection

We in the society are conditioned to strike out, mutilate and kill everytime we see glimpses of man to man eroticism or intimacy. We do it almost instinctively now (like we kill bugs, nevermind that we are killing an important part of us here) -- as this phobia has been ingrained deep into our psyche, even when we want to do otherwise -- to such feelings within us and outside of us -- without feeling remorse or guilt.

We are made to feel that we have done the right thing. We as men have already learned not to listen to our hearts... our innerselves, so its voice just doesn't matter.

Forces of Heterosexualization glamourize 'whores'

The heterosexualized anti-man society glamourizes 'whores' like in this BIG, huge board for Big Boss TV programme with a huge picture of a whore-woman that attended it. They only take whores in their programme.

Every such glorification of whores and giving them space within the mainstream society and thus into men's spaces (which are no more their personal spaces). This renders men completely vulnerable to be sexually exploited by such women or to go through the stress of showing interest in them but avoiding sex as far as possible.

The problem is, that men think its their ultimate duty or destiny to steel themsevles up against sex with women, if they are to be men, and so they accept everything without uttering a word.

The real difference between Gay and Straight is 'gender' and not 'sexuality'

The definition of Gay actually consists of two parts:

One is the formal stated part and the other is the hidden unacknowledged part. Ironically, its the formal visible part of the difference that is wrong/ false/ fake. Only the unacknowledged difference is real.

The formal part is about sexuality, and it is a purely social difference with no natural or biological basis. Thus the only difference between the two males of masculine gender, one of whom is forced with the 'gay' identity and the other 'straight', is that of accepting their sexual need for men -- which is a social act... in terms of nature, both have same-sex needs.

Sexuality wise, you choose to be gay or straight. However, its the unacknoweldged difference between gay and straight which is not only a historical difference, but also a biological difference, which has been pushed behind the scenes under the Western conspiracy against men.

This unacknowledged difference is that of gender, i.e., masculine and feminine gender. This difference is not acknowledged, but this is the only difference that really works in real life (in that people actually, subconsciously take their decisions about whether they choose to be 'straight' or 'gay' based on their gender). Genderwise, you don't choose to be 'gay' or 'straight', its what you're born with.

Unless masculine male love for men is liberated from the 'gay' clutches, straight men cannot claim their own sexuality. And that is why the Western Forces of heterosxualization, under their conspiracy are hell bent on propagating same-sex needs as 'feminine' and 'unmanly'.

Straight men will only love men as much as the society gives them space

Straight men have a deep need to love other men... which they fight against all their life.

Straight men only give as much expression to their need to love men and only in such a manner that the society gives them scope within the straight space (i.e. men's space) -- especially through their politics of definitions and social classificiations. They will not cross the straight line to give expression to their same-sex needs. Their first and foremost loyalty is to their gender.

Since, in a heterosexual society there is no social space to do it in the straight space (i.e. men's space), straight men just don't acknowledge their sexual need for men at all -- but, if they get a chance they do have a relationship with another guy... only, they never talk about it or acknowledge it in anyway. Everything is done very very quietly and in a disguise, like making an excuse that girls are not present...

The power to attract another masculine male is the real power and manhood of a masculine male

Considering men have so much natural power over other men, to move them and own them completely through emotional, sexual and physical attraction -- its definitely a natural power and part of natural masculinity.

The interest in women is a weakness, although, made artificially into a source of power. This natural power has been severely curtailed and mutilated by the society and because of which it loses its natural strength.

Globalized definitions of Straight and Gay:

The concept of 'sexual orientation' invented in the modern West requires a highly artificial society to make any sense. First it requires intense heterosexualizing of men's spaces and of men, and then generating intense fear amongst men's minds for any kind of man to man intimacy in the men's (straight) spaces, so that they can be banished from men's spaces into third sex 'gay' space.

The non-western societies, are still largely non-industrialized and thus do not have enough resources to bring about such artificial and unnatural reorganisation of their society. Therefore, when, under the process of globalization, the concepts of 'straight' and 'gay' are applied in the non-heterosexualized world, a new definition of these terms emerges -- which is a combination of the West and the Eastern viewpoints.

The following are the definitions that are finally emerging out of this process:

STRAIGHTS: Straights are members of men's spaces. The membership of these spaces, or in other words, the criteria for social manhood is different in heterosexualized and traditional societies.

In traditional societies 'straight' means any masculine gendered male. In terms of sexual preference he is supposed to be the penetrator, and may penetrate man, woman or gay.

In hetrosexualized societies, the membership to straight spaces are reserved only for man's sexual interest in women (whether real or not).

GAYS: Gays are members of the Third gender spaces. The membership of Gay spaces are also different in heterosexualized and traditional societies.

In traditional societies, 'gay' means effeminate males who have receptive anal sex with men.

In heterosexualized societies 'gay' is defined to include all kinds of non-woman sexual interest in men, including both a man's sexual interest in men and a queer's sexual interest in men.

Types of Straight men

Straight Men in heterosexualized spaces consist of the following:

All of the following have significant to exclusive sexual attraction for men, although most will never ever acknowledge it.

1. Straight acting heterosexuals: These are people who fit in the most snuggly in the heterosexualized spaces, because they are naturally capabale of an emotional and social bond with women and they relish it. They have a significant femininity inside them, which is often disguised by extreme social manhood granted to them under the straight identity. They also often have a strong desire to cross-dress or even transexual tendencies. Their visible feminine acts are often ignored by the enormous artificial 'masculine' image that comes with the 'heterosexual' tag in heterosexualized societies.

They are actually meterosexual males, that is they have a strong femininity, but also have enough masculinity to have a masculine ego. While they have a strong sexual desire for men, their emotional desire is partly or completely towards women. The more their emotional/ social bonding desire is towards women, the more queer they are.

Some of them are however, made 'heterosexual' through the various mechanisms of heterosexualization of men.

2. Real straights: These are males who are masculine and the real constituent of the men's spaces or the real 'straights'. Their primary characteristics include:

- they are predominantly masculine gendered.
- they have no natural desire for emotional or social bonding with women, in fact, by nature, they are quite averse to it.

Real straights can be further divided into two parts:

- Type 1: Those who have a purely physical desire for women (largely vaginal intercourse), ranging from strong to moderate. However, this desire is not constant but intermittant/ periodical, and is largely non-discriminatory, i.e. they usually just need a release and are not very choosy about who they take as a partner. However, if they have freedom, they are very choosy about who they choose as a male partner. Under natural circumstances, (which is altered by the heterosexualization of men and society) they tend to be promiscuous vis a vis women, but committed and monogamous vis a vis a man partner.

- Type II: Core Group: Those who, as far as their real nature is concerned, have minimal to no physical desire for women. However, they have to pretend such a desire to stay in the straight group in a heterosexualized society, and are one of the most disadvantaged groups.

The machoest straight men come from this group. This group is also the core of the straight space or the men's spaces. They hold the men's spaces together, and are the real strength or power of men's spaces and of men. The rest of their qualities are similar to those of Type I mentioned above.

Friday, October 17, 2008

The biological queer (heterosexual) is today classified as 'straight' and straight men are forced to copy him

It seems so ironical. The queer, non-man (shikhandi), two spirit male of yesteryears, who was despised for being too emotionally cozy with women, and who just didn't fit into the straight men's spaces and kept out of it because of the intense ridicule they heaped upon him (actually he never needed men's spaces, he was happy to be with women), is now the representative of the straight group since Straight is now equal to heterosexual. Today, straight men are forced to be like him and to copy him in order to remain in men's spaces and to save their manhood.

Really strange and pathetic!

Social conspiracy against men: Not having an interest in women = not being a man

For a man to admit that he doesn't have an interest in women (in a heterosexualized or semi-heterosexualized society) is for him to say that he is not a man... In traditional societies it was not so... All you needed to prove your manhood was a functioning penis... and if you could pour your seed into a vagina and produce a baby, you were man for sure.

To question a man's sexuality, therefore is to say that he is not a man... women don't know this and may easily ask a man if he is gay, if they have the slightest suspicion. For the man, its like someone just asked, "Are you really a man?", or "are you a queer, third sex?"

However, there is still a difference between "not being a man" and "being a third sex". You may not like a woman and live like an abnormal 'straight' man. But if you say you have an interest in men, it is then that you become third gender.

Many men pretend to be asexual in order to avoid being classified as 'third sex'. It is one of the mechanisms they have built to avoid this banishment. Others are:

1. Pretending to be stupid.
2. Pretending to be eccentric.

Sexual interest in women

There is enormous social power and manhood attached in the act of showing a "sexual interest in girls", and all men learn that from childhood. Its one major factor that forces them the maximum pressure in their heterosexualization process.

So, men know that to get that power, one must talk about girls and continuously prove one's sexual interest in women. It's an enormous pressure that men have, that gets multiplied severalfolds in a heterosexualized society.

Simultaneously, men also learn that there is immense disempowerment and stigma attached with not having a sexual interest in women, and this adds to the mechanism to force them into being heterosexualized.

So, if a girl is passing, a man will watch her, even if he doesn't really have an interest in her, and if a man who the man finds attractive pass by, the man will try to ignore him, by going all out to pretend that he doesn't even exist for him.

And, if you're in a room full of attractive young men, with even an unattractive girl, straight men will automatically look at that one odd girl, because looking at attractive guys is so disempowering.

Erection woes of men

I am almost certain that men worry about getting an erection if they are to be massaged by a male, and worry about not getting an erection if they are to be massaged by a woman.

Same, when being checked out for a physical...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Disempowerment of men

It's a telling tale of the vulnerability and disempowerment of men that a man cannot say that he has no interest in girls, without losing his social manhood (straight identity in the west) or membership of the men's space.

Evidence that 'gay' is actually a conspiracy to banish men who don't give in to social pressure to "do" it with women

The word 'gay' is defined as a man who likes men, but in reality, even in the West where the term has originated, it is, in majority of cases only used by men who have no sexual interest in women, and who don't want to pretend to have it either -- i.e. men who just won't give in to the social pressure to have sexual intercourse with girls, even at the enormous risk of social marginalisation. Even the western society in real sense uses it only for such men, and leaves those who fulfill their 'social responsibility' of fucking women, and then do stuff with guys, alone.

This is proof enough that gay actually is a punishment for men who don't have sex with women, rather than a space for men who like men.

The fact that before the term 'gay' was invented, third sex was the space that was used for such men, as a banishment zone, is clear evidence that 'gay' is nothing but the 'third sex' space and identity of the pre-modernisation, traditional societies.

That the word 'queer', which means a feminine male who gets fucked, is used by gays to describe themselves, and that almost all discourse of homosexuality simultaneously involves a discourse on transgenderism, is again evidence that gay = third gender, rather than a masculine male who likes men.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Why is 'Lesbian' not so much stigmatized for women in heterosexual societies

1. Because the heterosexual society is not interested in controlling female sexuality. It wants to give women as much freedom as possible. It wants females to use their sexuality as a power to gain social control over men, and lesbian only adds to it.

2. Because, masculinity in females is not really stigmatised, especially in a heterosexual society its encouraged.

3. Because, women are not really bannished from the women's space the way men are banished into the gay space. There is no history or tradition of women been banished from the women's space, the way it is for men. The third sex space has been abolished even for females who are actually third gender (i.e. masculine women of whatever sexuality), so there's no question of real (feminine) women being isolated and banished wrongly into the third sex space, as masculine men are when they show interest in males. So, that deep rooted fear is not there.

4. Womanhood is not politicised and manipulated. And there's no great value attached to womanhood, the way it is attached to manhood. Women don't have to pass gruesome 'womanhood' tests, the way men have to. You cannot lose 'womanhood' the way you can lose 'manhood'.

5. Child bearing and rearing is the basic drive of women and they don't have to be forced into it, so, the society doesn't have any mechanisms to force women to reproduce. Hence, there has been no such deep-rooted conspiracy against women, as there exists against men to break women from women, neither is bonds, sexual or otherwise as basic a drive for women as (sexual) bonding with men is for men.

6. The heterosexual society, spreads the misinformation, that while amongst men a sexual interest in other men is rare, and only occurs in 'different' (read queer) males, it is much more common and normal in women. In this way, its creating space for women to like other women, without losing their 'woman' identity.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Scientific studies are bluffs

If I were to study a queer heterosexual as the sample for straight with women, don't you think I will come with the conclusion that that heterosexuals have brain structures similar to women, and they walk differently than masculine gendered males (men)?

Straight men only love men as much as the society will give them space within the straight space!

Straight men have a strong need to love other men, but they will only do as much as is the social space available for them to do it (they just won't go to the third gender gay space to do it).

And, surprisingly, they even seem to do the impossible by trying to love men in the negative space available in heterosexual societies, where straight is defined as 'heterosexual'. There they love men by pretending with their lovers that they don't have any sexual feelings even for each other, and by hiding and camouflaging their love for each other and never talking about it... but nevertheless doing a lot of those emotional things that two people intensely in love do, but doing it silently, communicating through silence -- their interest, their hurts, and all those big and small things. They don't speak out even when the relationship they so intensely want is about to break and a small word from them can save it. They'd rather just watch in silence than speak out. They just won't cross the limits set up by the society -- in this case the 'heterosexual' society.

While, all the time their heart beats for their male lover, they keep talking only about women and do all kinds of pretenses to prove their heterosexuality, even when they may or may not have any interest in women.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Jai Mighty Hanuman

I found this information about Hanuman on the net:

The birthday of Hanuman - the supreme devotee of Sri Ram is celebrated on full moon day of the bright lunar phase, in the Hindu month of Chaitra.

The most powerful and valiant Hanuman who was also the gem of the scholars has been an inspiration for all of us since time immemorial. Because of his phenomenal strength and power, Hanuman is revered by the wrestlers.

Hanuman's bravery is unmatched. This is the reason why government of India has named the bravery award on him i.e. Mahavir-Chakra. Being inspired by Hanuman's phenomenal valiance, the supreme warrior Arjun, had established him on the flag of his chariot.

Hanuman is not only brave but he is also an example of supreme loyality and faithfulness, which he had towards his master - Sri Ram. If a man worships Hanuman and takes his refuge, then he will be able to have darshan of Sri Ram in no time - just like Tulsidas.

When Sri Ram met Hanuman for the first time he was very impressed by his knowledge. He told Laxman-"O Laxman, it seems this person (Hanuman) has thoroughly studied the grammar. That is the reason why he did not pronounce incorrectly even a single word, during such a long conversation with me."

Hanuman's high degree of knowledge can be understood from the following incident.

Once Sri Ram asked Hanuman as to who he was. Hanuman replied by saying-

"If you consider me just as the possessor of my physical body, then I am your servant. If you consider me as a soul then I am your 'Ansha' (part). My belief is based on the fact that my existence is not different from you in any way."

On Hanuman Jayanti the various games which are based on strength and power are organised, along with the traditional worship of Hanuman. People are made to understand the phenomenal character of Hanuman - the unmatched warrior of the Indian history...

Sri Rama asked Hanuman: "Hanuman, what
attitude do you cherish towards Me?"

Hanuman answered : "O Rama! When I think I am the body, You are the Master and I am Your servant, when I think I am the jivatman (embodied individual soul), You are the whole and I am a part ; but when I have the Knowledge of Reality, I see that you are I and I am You."

Another evidence that Homosexual = Third Gender

That gays mix their sexuality with gender, and that their gender is of primary importance for them, is clear from the fact that they have appropriated the 'heteroswexual' third sex symbols from history and mythology, e.g., Ardhnarishwar (Indian mythology), berdaches and fa 'afafine, etc, as their historical legacy.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Masculine males who like men exclusively are the backbone of straight space

There are only three kinds of humans: Men, women and third gender. And they all have their respective social spaces.

The men's spaces are very important to men. They are by far the most important thing for them, even more important than their male bonds. And what holds these men's spaces together? Its the emotional/social/sexual need of men for other men -- and that's the biological as well as spiritual significance of man's romantic/emotional/sexual need for men, which a civilisation obssessed with the greed for reproduction will never understand.

By debarring men's love for men from men's spaces, which in the Western societies are forcibly converted into mixed sex spaces (in the name of gender equality), the Western, heterosexualised societies have taken the essence of men's spaces out of them, and have thus weakened these spaces as well as weakened the men themselves, tremendously.

And, it were especially the macho men who were exclusively into loving another man, (like the mighty Hanuman of Indian mythology) who are are the backbone of men's spaces, who hold it together.

If these men cannot be a part of the men's spaces, then who else can be. Who else is more worthy of being in these spaces. Who else is more worthy of manhood. The men's spaces and the masculine man who exclusively loves another man are made for each other.

But, if the society debars these men from men's spaces, (men's spaces are called 'straight' spaces in the Western world, and defined as 'heterosexual'), they make life meaningless for these men, when they are meant to be the power of men and of men's spaces/ straight spaces. The men become weak and vulnerable second class citizens without the power of these men. They become like bonobo monkeys, forever dependant upon women for all their needs, whether they are emotional, physical, sexual or social needs or the need for social power/ status/ manhood. Like in the bonobos, the male becomes the second class citizen, who waits on the female, and whose status in the society is determined by the status of the woman whom the bonobo ape is related to.

Because, these men who are the backbone of men's spaces, and they and men's spaces are made for each other -- these men just can't imagine leaving the straight space for the third gender, half-man/ half-woman space redefined by the Forces of Heterosexualisation as 'homosexual' space. And because straight is defined now as 'heterosexual', these men have to kill their need for another man, and pretend to like women and live as the epitome of masculine heterosexuals.

Ironically, male heterosexuality is essentially queer in nature, and its the masculine man whose heart beats for another man, but who pretends to like women all his life, who makes heterosexuality seem masculine and straight.

Concepts of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality: Part of Western conspiracy against men

The concept of sexual orientation in general and homosexuality in particular, allows the Western society to keep an 'open' facade about things sexual, and at the sametime mess up extensively from behind the scenes, with the definitions, identities and spaces they have created -- of straights and gays.

So, from behind the scenes, they exert extreme pressures on men in the mainstream space (straight) to be (exclusively) heterosexual (sic), while at the sametime loading the homosexual identity with these extremely stigmatised and discriminatory and false baggages:

- That its different
- That its feminine
- That its a minority

And then the Forces of Heterosexualisation work overnight, manipulating powerful social institutions like science and media, to concretize these baggages on male-male sexuality and the extreme pressures on 'straight' defined men.

So, you have all these scientific theories proving that gays (which is assumed to include all males who like men, only because their own definition says so: Its a circulatory argument typical of Christian societies) are diferent from straights, (not only in terms of sexuality, but also in terms of gender) and are more like women. So, you have all these frivolous sounding researches proving, after spending loads of public money, that gays have brains like women, they walk like women, they react like women, and so on and so forth.

There is nothing wrong with these researches, except that gays actually represent only the feminine gendered males who like men, not all men who like men. And that most straight men have a strong sexual need, sometimes exclusive sexual need for men, even though they are conditioned and pressurised to hate, hide and disown this need. That the actual differnce between 'gay' and 'straight' is not that of sexuality (i.e. homosexual/ heterosexual), but of Gender (i.e. feminine/masculine). And that what these theories actually find out is that the feminine gendered males are different from masculine gendered males and are more like women. It has nothing to do with men liking men, but to do with the feminine gender of these males. Therefore, even if you study and compare feminine gendered males who like women, you will find the same differences. Would they, then, say that men who like women are dissimilar to straight men and similar to women?

The media on its part spreads these half-baked, ill conceived theories as gospel truths without ever questioning them. Because, Media is also part of the conspiracy against men, since its controlled by the Forces of Heterosexualisation.

Since the homosexual space is already built on the extremely stigmatised, different, queer (feminine), minority, third sex -- so the base to paint it as unmanly or half-male/ half-female is already there. The Forces of Heterosexualisation, through their formal definitions, just hide this essence/ basis of the homosexual space, so what appears from outside is male-male sexuality, but from behind the scenes, it manipulates the third sex aspect to the hilt. And in a way, that no one can question -- to question you would have to go the basics of the Western society which is very powerful.


By creating the concept of homosexuality in such an extremely manipulative and anti-man manner, the Western society successfully marginalises man to man sexuality and any discourse on the topic, for men in the mainstream, who are in any case forced to define themselves as (exclusively and perpetually) heterosexual. Man to man sexuality can only be discussed, analysed or studied within the limited context of the space allocated to it by the heterosexual society -- i.e., the marginalised third gender space. It's exactly the similar situation, when you seek to study homosexualtiy in the context of mental asylums, so you are bound to find out that homosexuality is a mental disorder. Likewise, when you study man to man sexuality in the context of the third sex 'homosexual' or 'gay' space, you are bound to infer that men who like men are different from 'straight' men (who are masculine) and similar to women (who are feminine).

Now isn't that something that the non-Western world always, always knew from time immemorial -- that the third sex is like women from inside. That is why they called them half men and half women. It is the Western society which had forgotten this and many other truths about natural male gender and sexuality, because of the Christian influence.

However, unlike the modern West, the ancients never confused third sex with man's sexual interest in men -- something they always considered a masculine trait. They always differentiated between a man's (in Western context, a straight man's) sexual love for men and a third gender's sexual interest in men. The former was much deeper and meaningful. The latter was more of a physical nature, seeking promiscuous receptive anal and oral sex from men. Exactly the stuff the homosexual identity is made up of.

If 'homosexual' just referred to sex between men it would not have been a problem.

If 'gay' or 'homosexual' just meant sex between men or sexual interest between two men, it would not have been a problem at all. If it was just used to refer to the sex acts that any (straight) man could indulge in or likely to have the desire to indulge in, without losing his manhood or the straight identity, it would not have been a problem at all.
In fact Indian straight men did not really mind using it at all in the beginning for their own sexuality for men, before the heterosexualisation process slowly started, because they thought it only meant 'sex between men'. So, a straight man could easily say, "let's have homo sex" to his pal without his manhood being threatened in anyway. All that changed about 6 years ago...
The real problem with these terms is that, they don't really just mean 'sexuality between men'. The concept of 'homosexuality' comes with lots of extremely invalid implicit and explicit assumptions and baggages, viz.:
1) It propagates and designates you as being 'different' from other men, when actually you are just one of them.
2) It propagates that only a minority of males have this trait, while the rest, designated as 'straights' do not, when the truth is that All men have a sexual need for men.
3) It is used to isolate you from the masculine mainstream male group, called 'straight' in the West, and throws you with the feminine gendered males in the third sex 'gay' space, when you're actually the hallmark of straight.
4) It propagates that gay or homosexuality is a feminine or effeminate trait, and people who have this trait are essentially 'different' from people who go by the straight identity and so are assumed not to have this trait.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Do you wonder why sex with women has been a criteria for granting manhood... ?

Because to most men, it sucks...

For most straight men, sex with women is a highly painful test, that they nevertheless have to go through, as a proof of their manhood. Something from which they have no escape. And they spend most of their youth trying to prepare themselves for the eventuality.

They do so much, date women to feel comfortable with them, eventually, watch loads and loads of girl porn to develop an interest eventually, masturbate over girl's pics, look at girls all the time, when they couldn't care less -- in fact making it their second nature to do so, rub their crotches with willing girls in crowded buses to feel arousal through girls in a non-threatening environment (as the girl cannot call them 'namard' or 'gay' for not getting an erection), chat with lots of different girls on internet, again to remove their emotional and social discomfort and thousands of such other maneuvres to help them prepare for the day, when one day they will

It is not very different from the ones that they had to go through several thousands years ago, when they had to go through excruciating painful tests like being engraved with knives all over their bodies. Only this is not a one time test, and men have to pretend that all the time that they just love it.

I see that happening all around me, and the more I learn about men, and their double lives, the more apparent this struggle of theirs becomes.