Thursday, July 24, 2008

Heterosexual society leaves men no lee-way or personal space

men need some leeway, some space and lots of privacy/ personal space to be able to prepare himself to fulfill the social manhood roles, without taking too much toll on him. The heterosexual society gives him no personal space at all. A woman must share all his spaces now.

This makes the task of pretending extremely stressful, and sometimes almost impossible. E.g. if you are forced to be naked in front of a girl and made to climb on her as part of ragging, and you don't get an erection at all, you have all your pretenses lost in front of an audience. Then you don't have the time to feel upset about your sexual exploitation in front of so many people -- complaining about sexual exploitation is a luxury which only women can afford -- you are too much worried about how to explain your lack of erection and save your social manhood, which is now defined as 'heterosexuality'.

Then you seek to compensate that event with thousands of other pretenses, making your life even more meaningless and stressful.

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