Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Heterosesexuality is so queer that it makes Masculinity a taboo for men!

The heterosexual set up is so desperate to wipe out male bonds from its spaces -- and any thing that reminds of them -- and its so finicky about removing even the last remanants that it is willing to throw the 'masculinity' element from the men's spaces, if it means being with other men.

So much so that talking about masculinity itself has become a taboo.

Of course, there's another angle to this issue, and which is that 'gays' have abused the word masculinity so much, by using it for themselves, when they -- being third gender -- have nothing to do with 'masculinity', that men who have taken on the 'straight' identity to distance themselves from the third gender, are forced to give up 'masculinity' itself.

And the queer elements in the heterosexual space are only too eager to point that out, and any talk of masculinity is quickly labelled as 'gay'.

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