Wednesday, July 30, 2008

At least give men the space to say what's on their mind

Why doesn't the society give men the space and empowerment to talk about how they really feel and what they really want and don't want? Almost 99% of the issues that are of immense importance to men are held taboo by the forces that control their spaces.

Why are the mechanisms that disempower men from speaking about their true selves given validity by the heterosexual society which takes such pride in being free, fair and open? And I want to ask this particularly of the feminists and those championing women rights, who give all these mechanisms validity by making out as if they are 'pro-women' acts.

Once men get their space to be themselves, I can guarantee you that they will once again create a system where if men indulge in violence it will be to save women not to harm them.

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