Friday, January 29, 2010

The peculiar ways of Western Religion and Science

The Western culture since the time of Christianity, and because of its influence works in a peculiarly conceited way. Just like Christianity claimed to speak for 'god' and put words in his mouth, to suit the whims and fancies of those who controlled Christianity and the church ... its the common Western practise, including that of Western institution of science, to build pre-conceived notions and pictures of things like god and human nature, based on half-lies, what appears from the outside, and the whims and fancies of those who control that particular Western institution. And when something from the nature doesn't fit into the pre-conceived notions of that institution ... then they call it a 'sin' (religion) to be punished or prosecuted, or a 'disease' or 'abnormality' (science) to be cured. And then the persecution of that part of nature gets wide public support ... as both religion and science has immense blind faith amongst Westerners. The most funny part is that they can really get carried away with this process ... and like for science, so many commonly occurring things in nature becomes an abnormality to be adjusted or a disease to be cured, and they find pretty funny names for them too. It makes them sound all methodical and educated.

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