Thursday, January 28, 2010

How were straight males forced to define themselves as 'heterosexual'

It was not their sexual desire for women that defined the manly men, today known as straight or heterosexual males. Indeed, it was not even a universal trait for them. And it was certainly not constant nor exclusive, even where it was present. However, the men did not have a choice, when the society ruled by the anti-man forces defined them as 'men who desired women.' Indeed, the men could not speak for or defend their identity, definition and space, as they were already long silenced through centuries of politics of male gender and sexuality (conspiracy against men). They had only two options: either to leave manhood and become a 'non-man' or to acknowledge a real or exaggerated or outright fake sexual desire for women as the essence of their being. Indeed, like trained and conditioned, dogs, men just went about competing with each other trying to fit into the new definition for manhood provided by their masters, creating one of the biggest myths of this world -- that of sexual orientation being the defining features of a male; of the hetero-homo division between males, and of the hetero-masculine-'normal'-healthy-straight-majority and the homo-feminine-'different'-abnormal/anomaly-queer-minority. Indeed, the third genders fit into the 'homosexual' slot pretty well, and they keep the myth of the 'homosexual' alive and kicking.

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