Monday, February 1, 2010

The Western 'freedom' is deceptive ... its a Fucked up society!!!

advertisementWhen those males who lack in manhood, who belong to the erstwhile 'intermediate sex' start to define themselves as "men who like men,' or 'homosexual' and start defining the males with manhood as 'men who like women' or heterosexuals, in a background where desiring women has long been fixed as a pre-requisite for granting 'social manhood,' ... then the anti-man forces who control the heterosexualized Westernized society, grab this opportunity to stigmatize the very male desire for men, and is only too happy to give formal/ scientific/ political validity to this group of 'intermediate sexers' and say, "well fine, you can define yourself as 'men who like men." and then says to the men with manhood, the masculine gendered males, known as 'straights,' "Well, you know, we're a sexually liberated society, and we are open minded enough to let men have sex with men or to love them. Any man who wants to acknoweledge his sexuality for men, is more than free to do so, but he will have to leave the identity and space of the 'males with manhood' and become one of the 'males who lack manhood,' the 'intermediate sex'." Everyone sees the freedom, especially the so-called gays (the intermediate sex) and women, who doesn't understand the difference between males with manhood, and males without manhood. Or who confuse males with manhood with those who desire women, and males who lack manhood with males who desire men.

Talk to the same society about labelling and isolating women who indulge in men sexually as different women (after all, they were a stigmatized group and rare to come about at one time in the West, enough to call for a distinct identity) ... and they will cry, "That's anti-woman," "You can't do that." And, "Why can men have sex with several women, but when women have sex with men, you call them whores." The point is, its not just that men CAN have sex with women, but that the heterosexual society ordains that "MEN MUST HAVE SEX WITH WOMEN," Not only that, They must have a sexual desire for women as well, if they want to be counted as a 'normal' male with manhood. And the point is that "WHY CAN'T A MAN DESIRE ANOTHER MAN without having to be isolated into a 'different' category from males with manhod, through the system of sexual apartheid created by the concept of 'Sexual Orientation." Why must a man lose his social manhood, in this age and era, in a so-called free, modern and open-minded Western society, in order to be able to desire another man?

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