Thursday, May 8, 2008

Why do men talk so much about girls in even in men's spaces

Under natural circumstances, the last thing that men would talk about, when they are in the company of other men --- that is, in their own space --- is "girls". Men thoroughly enjoy the company of each other, and it fulfills their sexual need perfectly too, so that they don't need to talk about girls -- certainly not as much as they do in our societies.

But men do it (i.e., talk about girls incessantly, even in each other's company) only because the society puts immense pressure on them to do it, besides, it conditions, trains and rewards them immensely to do it. It (talking about girls) also protects them from being thrown into the "third sex" category (in the Western parlance, "gay" category). And it gets them the much needed "social manhood" points to compete in the "race for manhood".

This talking about 'girls' is much less in traditional societies, and as the heterosexualisation of the society increases, men talk more and more about girls, of course due to social pressures.

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