Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wrongly portraying man's sexual need for men as 'diffferent' and 'alternative'

They started portraying man's sexual need for men, and men who were seen to have this need as different.
How they achieved it was, they showed third sex that loved men as 'men who loved men'. That is, by deliberately ignoring the gender differences between the third sex and men (when it came to sexual need between men), they confused their (feminine male's) sexual interest and their femininity in the minds of the world.
Everything about the third sex is different from men, even when they have the outer body and sexual organs of a male.
The way they walk, talk conduct themselves, relate with each other and with the world -- it's all different from men. So, naturally, their sexual interest in men would be different from men too. But, what the Forces of Heterosexualisation suppressed with equal force was the fact that the third sex was also majorly into sexual interest in women, and that their sexual interest in women was different in essence from that of men too. It doesn't make 'men who like women' different from normal men.
Right now, the Westernisd forces of Heterosexualisation are busy doing the same manipulation in India. I was just now watching the movie 'partner' on TV, where a 'gay' (a feminine, limp wristed male) was singing "Aadmi hoon aadmi se pyaar karta hoon" (an old Hindi song that goes I'm a man and I love a man). However, this was never seen earlier to be applying to the third sex. It talk about a general love of mankind, in any case. But what I felt like asking the 'gay', Are you really a man? I mean Its only the westernised gays that consider them a 'man', because they think man is the same as male. And they accomodate their gender difference in their 'gay' identity, since the society confuses their sexual need for men as emanating from their femininity.The desi (vernacular, local) 'gays' have no qualms about calling themselves third sex, and they don't want to be called a man. Neither are they considered men.

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