Friday, September 12, 2008

Is same-sex need more prominent and widespread amongst women?

Same-sex sexuality is neither so strong nor universal amongst women, but the Western society and its science insists it is.
In fact, if you look at what's going on in the society, 'lesbians' seem to be more committed to each other than 'gays'. They're often into strong bonds with each other, something which is almost totally missing in gays. No one has heard of a single suicide case amongst gays.
Does it mean that the Western society is right -- that the same-sex sexuality is stronger and more Universal amongst women.
There are enough evidences from biology (wild life), history and contemporary societies to suggest that it is not so.
So, then why does it appear so. The reasons are the following:
1. The gays represent the third gender and the bonding instinct in the third gender has always been thought of as weak. They've been more into casual and promiscous sex. Innumerable ancient sacred texts talk about banning these gays or members of the third sex from their monastries etc. because of their promiscuity.
This trait is evident both in traditional societies, where men have some freedom to bond sexually and emotionally with each other, as well as in the modern West, where the gays are very strong and visible as a group. The Hijras in are another example of the promiscuity of the third gender.
However, the real man's sexual need for men exists suppressed and mutilated in the men's spaces. And history is witness (and so is wildlife) that the instinct to bond and fall in love and be committed to another man (and not just sex) is so strong amongst men that they are willing to die for each other. In modern day societies, men are oppressed and their souls no longer belong to them. Their souls are imprisioned and they are broken from their own nature. They cannot access it. Therefore, they are unable to act on their basic instinct of bonding with another man.
However, bonding between men is very masculine thing, which unfortunately has been driven out of the society.
2) The Western heterosexual society, however has been increasingly giving space to women's sexual need for women. E.g. by doling out dubious researches that say that same-sex sexuality is stronger amongst women. Also, same-sex acts between women have been propagated as the stable of 'heterosexual' men, thus making it mandatory for men to say they like the stuff, in fact they have to compete to prove that they like the stuff.
Therefore, when the space is created and the stuff is blown out of proportion by science, entertainment and media, women also become more open to accept or talk about those feelings. However, it is still in such minority..... in the West.
Similarly, lesbians form stronger emotional bonds with each other, because unlike male third sex, female third sex is not so promisuous. Also, they don't have pressures of masculinity which breaks men from men, emotionally, so they have no conditioning as such.

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