Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Gay is only an extension of the third gender space. It represents the extreme politics of the Forces of Heterosexualisation (FoH) to wrongly redefine gender identity/ spaces in terms of sexuality.
Third gender, has for long been a discredited and much feared banishment zone for men. Gay in westernised societies does the same function. What other proof do you need that it is built to serve the same purpose, except that third gender could isolate only feminine males who had receptive anal sex, while the concept of gay can be used to isolate the entire spectrum of male to male sexuality.


Its really funny when Western gays seek to study the third sex under the stream of 'masculinity'. For the feminine gays, anything to do with males, even feminine males, is 'masculinity' and should be studied as such. Thus they talk about masculinity not being a singular concept but of 'masculinities'. And, the most funny part is that they study male femininity as 'masculinity'. They work on the rights of the third sex, as a right of 'masculinity'. They thus unnecessarily stigmatise the very concept of 'masculinity' and people start relating it with 'gay'. They thus queer masculinity itself.

How many kinds of Homosexuals are there?

Feminine gendered males who like men or the 'Homosexuals' can be divided into three parts:

- The transgendered males who like men -- the original third sex.

- The effeminate (but not transgendered) males who like men. When men's spaces were strong, these males existed as an inbetween between the men's spaces and the third sex... behaving like transgendered when in third sex spaces, and like men when in men's spaces. They rarely cross-dressed, and did so only in the third sex spaces.

- The 'straight-acting gay'. These males are partly feminine, partly masculine, but their masculinity is stronger than that of the effeminate male, but still superficial. When men's spaces were strong, they were part of the men's spaces, but would often interact with the third sex for sex. In the Westernised division between masculine 'straight' and 'feminine 'gay', they prefer to live as 'gays' rather than straight.
They believe themselves to be masculine, but this is because, the western society makes them feel masculinity is only skin deep and a matter of wearing clothes meant for men, and to adopt a couple of mannerisms. Therefore, they call themsevles 'straight acting'. However, meeting most of them makes it clear that they are 'different'.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Western society wants complete eradication of man to man bonding

The modern Western society has waged a war against man to man sexuality like its a virus that needs to be completley eradicated from the men's population. The traditional society was content with suppressing this 'virus' so that it does not come in the way of marriage and reproduction, and did not need to be totally eradicated.

For this complete eradication of this 'virus' the Western society has created the strategy of quarantining man to man sexual need in the third sex 'homosexual' space, which has been specially created by the institution of science for this purpose.

However, in reality, its the Heterosexualisation which is really a disease. And the concept of sexual orientation, which needs to be fought by men.

But, how will they fight, as long as they are busy serving their oppressors for greed of the social powers granted by them.

Why not fight against this disease and snatch their powers to grant social manhood and power to us. Why not snatch our control of men's spaces from those Forces of Heterosexualisation? And be the masters of our own manhood and spaces.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wrongly portraying man's sexual need for men as 'diffferent' and 'alternative'

They started portraying man's sexual need for men, and men who were seen to have this need as different.
How they achieved it was, they showed third sex that loved men as 'men who loved men'. That is, by deliberately ignoring the gender differences between the third sex and men (when it came to sexual need between men), they confused their (feminine male's) sexual interest and their femininity in the minds of the world.
Everything about the third sex is different from men, even when they have the outer body and sexual organs of a male.
The way they walk, talk conduct themselves, relate with each other and with the world -- it's all different from men. So, naturally, their sexual interest in men would be different from men too. But, what the Forces of Heterosexualisation suppressed with equal force was the fact that the third sex was also majorly into sexual interest in women, and that their sexual interest in women was different in essence from that of men too. It doesn't make 'men who like women' different from normal men.
Right now, the Westernisd forces of Heterosexualisation are busy doing the same manipulation in India. I was just now watching the movie 'partner' on TV, where a 'gay' (a feminine, limp wristed male) was singing "Aadmi hoon aadmi se pyaar karta hoon" (an old Hindi song that goes I'm a man and I love a man). However, this was never seen earlier to be applying to the third sex. It talk about a general love of mankind, in any case. But what I felt like asking the 'gay', Are you really a man? I mean Its only the westernised gays that consider them a 'man', because they think man is the same as male. And they accomodate their gender difference in their 'gay' identity, since the society confuses their sexual need for men as emanating from their femininity.The desi (vernacular, local) 'gays' have no qualms about calling themselves third sex, and they don't want to be called a man. Neither are they considered men.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sex and Gender identity

It looks like Western scholars have long said, what we have been saying here, only the Western society chose to ignore it:

One’s “sex” is determined by one’s anatomy, by one’s genitalia. On this basis
persons are declared male or female at birth.
One’s “gender identity” refers to one’s inner sense of one’s sexuality, to one’s
experience of oneself as male or female. John Money asserts:
David Halperin, One Hundred Years of Homosexuality (New York: Routledge, 1990) 15.
Page 3
Because sex differences are not only genitally sexual, although they may be sec-
ondarily derived from the procreative organs, I found a need some thirty years
ago for a word under which to classify them. That word, which has now become
accepted into language, is gender. Everyone has a gender identity/role, one part
of which is one’s genital or genitosexual gender identity/role....the masculinity
everyone can observe and read the meaning of. Inside the globe are the private
workings of your gender identity.
It is possible to be an “anatomical” male and have a female gender identity or
vice versa, as is the case for transsexuals.
One’s “gender role” is determined by the complex interaction between one’s
sex and the culture’s determination of what is expected of or appropriate for
women or men to be and do. On this basis men and women are said to be mascu-
line or feminine. For example, it is acceptable for an anatomical female who under-
stands herself to be a woman to wear traditional men’s clothes, i.e., trousers. In the
United States such is regularly the case. It is not usually acceptable for an anatomi-
cal male who understands himself to be a man to wear traditional women’s
clothes, i.e., skirts. In the United States such a person is a cross-dresser; in Scotland
he may be in traditional garb—a kilt.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Gays will fight the idea that straight men too have a sexual need for men

IT'S SO TYPICAL that gays will reject the idea that straight men can have any sexual inclinations for men at all, because, if they accept that, their very identity will lose its ground.

And they badly need that identity, because it gives them powers at the cost of straight men. But the fact is, the entire gay-straight divide is artificial and created by the Western society.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Is same-sex need more prominent and widespread amongst women?

Same-sex sexuality is neither so strong nor universal amongst women, but the Western society and its science insists it is.
In fact, if you look at what's going on in the society, 'lesbians' seem to be more committed to each other than 'gays'. They're often into strong bonds with each other, something which is almost totally missing in gays. No one has heard of a single suicide case amongst gays.
Does it mean that the Western society is right -- that the same-sex sexuality is stronger and more Universal amongst women.
There are enough evidences from biology (wild life), history and contemporary societies to suggest that it is not so.
So, then why does it appear so. The reasons are the following:
1. The gays represent the third gender and the bonding instinct in the third gender has always been thought of as weak. They've been more into casual and promiscous sex. Innumerable ancient sacred texts talk about banning these gays or members of the third sex from their monastries etc. because of their promiscuity.
This trait is evident both in traditional societies, where men have some freedom to bond sexually and emotionally with each other, as well as in the modern West, where the gays are very strong and visible as a group. The Hijras in are another example of the promiscuity of the third gender.
However, the real man's sexual need for men exists suppressed and mutilated in the men's spaces. And history is witness (and so is wildlife) that the instinct to bond and fall in love and be committed to another man (and not just sex) is so strong amongst men that they are willing to die for each other. In modern day societies, men are oppressed and their souls no longer belong to them. Their souls are imprisioned and they are broken from their own nature. They cannot access it. Therefore, they are unable to act on their basic instinct of bonding with another man.
However, bonding between men is very masculine thing, which unfortunately has been driven out of the society.
2) The Western heterosexual society, however has been increasingly giving space to women's sexual need for women. E.g. by doling out dubious researches that say that same-sex sexuality is stronger amongst women. Also, same-sex acts between women have been propagated as the stable of 'heterosexual' men, thus making it mandatory for men to say they like the stuff, in fact they have to compete to prove that they like the stuff.
Therefore, when the space is created and the stuff is blown out of proportion by science, entertainment and media, women also become more open to accept or talk about those feelings. However, it is still in such minority..... in the West.
Similarly, lesbians form stronger emotional bonds with each other, because unlike male third sex, female third sex is not so promisuous. Also, they don't have pressures of masculinity which breaks men from men, emotionally, so they have no conditioning as such.