Saturday, October 10, 2009

Liberating women, enslaving men

In a society where a man is not considered a man unless he has sex with women, and there is no space for men to say no to women without losing their manhood, in a society where women have been artificially invested with such immense power over men as the granters of manhood, it makes perfect sense to put restraints on women's sexuality, in order to create a balance. To stop men from becoming totally helpless and vulnerable, even as they do their best to fulfil their social roles, and to stop women from becoming exploitative.

It is under this background that the restrictions placed on women's sexuality -- from making them go in purdah, to disallowing them from wearing 'sexy' clothee, to stopping them from showing sexual feelings openly -- should be seen. The men's sexuality is chained too. But the chains are not outward, but inward, on their souls. And men are not even supposed to complain, if they have to retain their right to get social manhood.

The West sees the outer restrictions on women and cries foul and shouts about "lack of women's rights' in non-Western societies. But it fails to see the immense restrictions placed on men's sexuality, that are not readily visible. It's the typical Western outlook at life, symbolised by its insistence of 'science' as the means to understand the truth -- the axiom that "only that can be seen exists." So, since you can't see men's chains, they surely must not exist.

This mentality gives immense freedom to the anti-man forces to run amok and further tighten the restrictions placed on men, and concretizes the requirement of men to have sex with women in order to gain social manhood, into a 'heterosexual' identity, and requires men to have a constant and exclusive desire for men. Since men are forced to pretend to have such exclusive heterosexual desires, western 'science' then uses this as proof that heterosexuality is a basic man's trait. that defines manhood, since, "what appears has to be real" is the axiom that the superficial West goes by.

So, the West liberates women from the chains on their sexuality. In fact, it gives them space to be sexual in a way that is way more than what happens naturally, through the use of contraceptives and freeing women from the 'burden' of procreation -- while forcing men into sex with women on the pretext that it is important for procreation.

At the sametime, the West takes the internal chains of men's sexuality to its extreme, by introducing the system of 'sexual orientation' which takes away all space from men to be anything but heterosexual, to be a part of the men's spaces and social manhood.

It is no wonder then that most men turn out to be heterosexual. Some of it is real, some a pretense. But even the real ones aren't natural. They have been artificially heterosexualized through the politics of male gender and sexuality.

And this is the real story of man's enslavement, which Western science won't tell you.

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