Friday, July 24, 2009

Gender determines who you are, not sexuality


The homo-hetero division between men is baseless and invalid.

Men can't be divided socially on the basis of what and who they like in bed. It cannot define your identity. Just like men can't be divided socially on the basis of what you like to eat or drink, or what kind of entertainment you like.

Men can only be divided on the basis of who they are, i.e., what their gender identity is. And there are only two kinds of gender identities for men: Men with male gender identity, and men with female gender identity. That is the only biological, historical and practical distinction between men.

What you like or enjoy can never decide who you are socially. Only what you are (masculine or feminine) can decide your social identity.

Especially, when almost all males are open to sexuality with men, this homo-hetero division becomes pointless, unless the truth is distorted.

Gender orientation is the main difference that divides males, not sexual orientation.

The homo-hetero division has become so important and valid only because the society has artificially tied gender (which is what is so important)to sexuality. So, manhood is tied to heterosexuality and feminine gender is tied to homosexuality.

It's the confusion created by the western society between gender and sexuality that makes sexuality so important in the west.

When people who grow up in a society divided on the basis of homo-hetero relate to this division, they're actually relating to it as a 'gender' division, not sexual division. They are responding to the manhood artificially hidden in heterosexuality and the third gender artificially hidden in homosexuality.

And that is what is the source behind immense power attached to liking women, and the immense stigma attached to liking men in western societies is all about -- gender, not the sexual preference itself.

And the fact is that inspite of all this social politics of manhood -- of confusing gender with sexuality in order to control men's sexuality -- the truth is that still, in the straight space, masculine males who own up their sexuality for men enjoy a tacit approval and inclusion, while its the effeminate males who are excluded and persecuted -- often whether they like men or women.

And yet, the truth is that, biologically and historically, real natural masculinity is inherently tied with sexual-emotional bonds between men -- (not between gays, who are third gender (so let's rephrase it for the western society, as "with sexual-emotional bonds between straight men), and not just sex but the long lasting emotional and social bonding that results from it. While, its contact with women that queers men. And that is why all masculine cultures abhor this contact, apart from what is needed for procreation.

So, gender has a connection with sexuality (although not so strict), but its exactly the opposite of what is portrayed in the west.

We have come a long way from our natural manhood -- from how it occurs in nature and what the unnatural, western society has made of it -- totally opposite.

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