Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another problem with Sexual Orientation

Another problem with the term homosexuality and heterosexuality is that the term is used to denote various differing aspects of a man's sexuality, including, (a) Sexual desire or lust, (b) Sexual behaviour (c) love and romantic feelings (d) sexual acts (e) sexual relationships, and (e) social identity

There are elements of a man's sexual nature, of his sexual behaviour, of social interactions and his social identity in the above, all of which may actually be totally different arenas in the modern world, because of various kinds of pressures and other factors seeking to contorl male sexual life.

Denoting all of them with the same word is inviting immense scope for ambiguity and confusion.

This ambiguity and confusion is widely used by the Forces of Heterosexualization in order to muddle the facts about and true nature of male gender and sexuality.

To take an example, when you say a male is heterosexual, what does it mean. Does it mean he has exclusive sexual feelings for the opposite sex, or that he just has feeling for them (but not exclusive)? Are we referring to his social identity which may or may not reflect his exact sexual needs or even behaviour, some of which may be hidden? Are we referring to his sexual desires which may be different from his sexual behaviour or identity or relationships? Are we referring to his feelings of lust or of romantic needs, both of which may be differently oriented?

The Forces of Heterosexualization (FOH) uses this ambiguity to distort the facts to mean what they want. E.g. when they say 10% of population is homosexual, they mean they are the ones that are exclusively into men. But that is meant to mean that the rest of the population is totally heterosexual. They never say that 10% of the population is 'heterosexual' (the rest being bisexual).

However, in practise, even if a heterosexual displays the minutest of interest in intimacy with men, he is labelled a 'homo' or a 'bi' (the fear of which keeps them from showing intimacy towards other men). But he won't be counted so when talking about figures.

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