Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Homosexuality is indeed a decrepit Western concept

Homosexuality as well as 'sexual orientation' are decrepit Western concepts. They are anti-man and part of the conspiracy against men.

The concept of Homosexuality identifies a man's sexual desire for men in such a stigmatized way that men have no other option but to disown their sexual need for men altogether.

All through the middle ages, men have dealt with their same sex needs by not acknowledging it outwardly, because of the hostilities and manhood roles, and indulge in it quietly in the safety of men's spaces. Not acknowledging their hidden sexual acts was extremely important for men to indulge in same-sex bonds.

The Forces of Heterosexualization, in order to force men to give up same-sex desires altogether, forcibly sought to 'acknowledge' this same-sex need in a blatant way through the concept of 'homosexuality'.

But this was not enough. The only males who were open about their liking for men and acknowledged it openly, were the third gendered males, who were not counted as men in the traditional set-up.

The forces of heterosexualization not only called them 'men' but defined them as the 'men who like men', or 'homosexuals'. And then having associated 'homosexuality' with this group of third gender, they then started to identify men's sexual desire for men as 'homosexual'. The hidden ghettoing together with the third sex was not lost on men (who were later defined by the gays as 'straights'), and the Forces of Heterosexualization built up the hositilities by stressing upon this hidden third sex factor. Gays themselves played it up, because for them it meant freedom to be who they were -- essentially transgendered. But for men it meant stigma all the way, and no other option but to leave their same-sex needs altogether.

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