Thursday, June 12, 2008

Male sexual bonds were celebrated till the times of the ancient Greeks. But then with the advent of religion, it came down heavily upon these bonds, in the name of god, by declaring it a sin, and then persecuting men in millions.

After things died down, and civilisation got another chance, the society devised other less violent ways of keeping male sexual bonds down. The formal society sought to classify male sexual need for men together with the need of the third sex for men (gay in today's parlance). This made man to man sexual need go behind the scenes, where it flourished like anything in the strong male spaces.

But then came science in the modern age. The science institution gave formal credence to this isolation of man by giving its stamp to the concept of gay/ homosexuality, which sought to classify men who like men together with the third sex.
Now, there are no men's spaces left for men to seek refuge in.

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