Saturday, January 26, 2008

Creating New Infrastructure to sustain oppression of men

The modern heterosexual society works overtime, and invests heavily in maintaining the age-old infrastructres to force men to disown their same-sex needs -- and to develop new, such infrastructures that suit the needs of the modern age -- one that is a tricky one because of the (so-called) freedom of choice, thoughts and expression.
And, so, the scientists keep coming with half-baked, ill-sampled and ill-deduced theories about how men who like men are like women (thus, they're not really men; they're third gender, whether the west recognises third gender formally or not!). They've brains that resemble those of women (hypothalamus theory), their blinking rate (or something of the sort) resembles those of women, and they are to be certain, not like straight (read masculine gendered) males.
Everytime they bring such theories, everytime the media creates a hype about them, everytime they show a queer guy running desiring men on TV and films -- the space for the masculine gendered male to own up his sexual/ love/ emotional need for men is more securedly locked -- and the best part is that this is all in the name of science and in the garb or freedom -- especially, sexual freedom.

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