Saturday, January 26, 2008

Root of all Evils: the human greed for Reproduction

Money is not really the root of all evils. If there is really something which is responsible for every single thing that is going wrong with this world today -- from the dying earth to innumerable diseases to blood thirsty religions to burgeoning population and millions of more ... it is the human greed for reproduction.
There's only one thing that matches this evil, and it is: the near obliteration of man's sexual need for men from humankind -- which, at least originally -- has been brought about in order to force men into reproductive sex.
To put it in better words, Reproduction and Breaking of man from his basic nature of bonding with other men, is taking not only humankind, but everything that this earth represents, towards destruction. It is probably too late to set the clock back.
As man broke from his nature, he gradually gave rise to extremely dangerous, unnatural and destructive institutions such as religion and science -- which have further helped him move away from nature and destroy both, the nature inside and outside of him.
What humans foolishly call 'progress' -- with all its technologies and luxuries -- is actually destruction. Man is too short sighted, and at present, too engrossed in all the power that comes from exploiting mother earth irrevocably for short term comforts -- that man did not need in the first place -- to notice or comprehend this fact clearly.
And, since the conspiracy against men has been so painstakingly been made invisible, humans are unable to see it as the root cause of everything that is going wrong with the world today. It is thus not only an issue that concerns men but something that every human being should take serious note of. And, if we don't become sensible enough to notice this now, it may actually be too late to do anything about it.

Creating New Infrastructure to sustain oppression of men

The modern heterosexual society works overtime, and invests heavily in maintaining the age-old infrastructres to force men to disown their same-sex needs -- and to develop new, such infrastructures that suit the needs of the modern age -- one that is a tricky one because of the (so-called) freedom of choice, thoughts and expression.
And, so, the scientists keep coming with half-baked, ill-sampled and ill-deduced theories about how men who like men are like women (thus, they're not really men; they're third gender, whether the west recognises third gender formally or not!). They've brains that resemble those of women (hypothalamus theory), their blinking rate (or something of the sort) resembles those of women, and they are to be certain, not like straight (read masculine gendered) males.
Everytime they bring such theories, everytime the media creates a hype about them, everytime they show a queer guy running desiring men on TV and films -- the space for the masculine gendered male to own up his sexual/ love/ emotional need for men is more securedly locked -- and the best part is that this is all in the name of science and in the garb or freedom -- especially, sexual freedom.

Ridiculing man-man sexuality on screen

They have already taken out even the space to speak to male-male sexuality for thousands of years. And, when in a heterosexual environment, they (media/ entertainment world) make fun of male-male sexuality, invariably by relating it with third gender (feminine gender in males), men who want to explore their same-sex sexuality -- both, by necessity and by choice -- they have no space or opportunity to correct the mispropaganda ... and they are further forced to hide and suppress their same-sex needs, or else have the society force the third gender identity on them.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Heterosexualisation of men is only possible by forcing them to lead unnatural lives.

It is natural for polar bears to hibernate during the winters. You may want them to get out of this natural trait and you may force their envionment to change and never let them go through winters. 
However, the instinct in the polar bears to hibernate will still remain, so you may then force them to stay awake during the time they are programmed to go into hibernation. You may be able to change their behaviour by keeping the pressure on them throughout their life ... but it is all unnatural, and bears will never be able to live life to their full.
The same happens when men are forced to be heterosexualised through various psycho-sexual mechanisms, which are taken to the extreme by the western heterosexual societies.

Monday, January 7, 2008

forcing heterosexuality on men should constitute "Sexual Abuse"

Tampering with the natural sexuality of people, especially adolescents and forcing a particular kind of sex or relationships on them MUST also be considered 'SEXUAL ABUSE'.

This includes forcing them to date heterosexually or to get married.

Gay is about "not liking women", not about "liking men"

The conspiracy against men is evident all around us.

They'll say, 'gay' is about liking men, but in reality it is about "not liking women". 

Conditioning Men to vehemently 'unacknowledge' same-sex sexuality

Men have been conditioned -- individually and as a group -- to cover up all desires and incidents involving same-sex. If it ever comes out, it is quickly isolated into the 'gay' ghetto.

Heterosexuality is a sham

Everything about the Western concept of Heterosexuality is a lie, including its so-called 'homophobia'.
Boys have seen the disempowerment of men for their same-sex needs. And boys have been rewarded to the extreme for denigrating these desires -- so much so that they begin to sincerely believe that anyone who shows such feelings is reprehensible.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Post your own notes on Men and Manhood

Post here your observations about Men and Manhood.