Thursday, October 2, 2008

Masculine males who like men exclusively are the backbone of straight space

There are only three kinds of humans: Men, women and third gender. And they all have their respective social spaces.

The men's spaces are very important to men. They are by far the most important thing for them, even more important than their male bonds. And what holds these men's spaces together? Its the emotional/social/sexual need of men for other men -- and that's the biological as well as spiritual significance of man's romantic/emotional/sexual need for men, which a civilisation obssessed with the greed for reproduction will never understand.

By debarring men's love for men from men's spaces, which in the Western societies are forcibly converted into mixed sex spaces (in the name of gender equality), the Western, heterosexualised societies have taken the essence of men's spaces out of them, and have thus weakened these spaces as well as weakened the men themselves, tremendously.

And, it were especially the macho men who were exclusively into loving another man, (like the mighty Hanuman of Indian mythology) who are are the backbone of men's spaces, who hold it together.

If these men cannot be a part of the men's spaces, then who else can be. Who else is more worthy of being in these spaces. Who else is more worthy of manhood. The men's spaces and the masculine man who exclusively loves another man are made for each other.

But, if the society debars these men from men's spaces, (men's spaces are called 'straight' spaces in the Western world, and defined as 'heterosexual'), they make life meaningless for these men, when they are meant to be the power of men and of men's spaces/ straight spaces. The men become weak and vulnerable second class citizens without the power of these men. They become like bonobo monkeys, forever dependant upon women for all their needs, whether they are emotional, physical, sexual or social needs or the need for social power/ status/ manhood. Like in the bonobos, the male becomes the second class citizen, who waits on the female, and whose status in the society is determined by the status of the woman whom the bonobo ape is related to.

Because, these men who are the backbone of men's spaces, and they and men's spaces are made for each other -- these men just can't imagine leaving the straight space for the third gender, half-man/ half-woman space redefined by the Forces of Heterosexualisation as 'homosexual' space. And because straight is defined now as 'heterosexual', these men have to kill their need for another man, and pretend to like women and live as the epitome of masculine heterosexuals.

Ironically, male heterosexuality is essentially queer in nature, and its the masculine man whose heart beats for another man, but who pretends to like women all his life, who makes heterosexuality seem masculine and straight.

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