Friday, May 30, 2008

Sexual Orientation is absurd

If there are three kinds of genders in the society:

Women, Men and Transgendered

Now if you regroup the people on the basis of the western concept of sexual orientation, and then divide the society on its basis, even for purposes other than sex, then let's say if you start a school for homosexual males and one for heterosexual males.

then the masculine gendered boys who like men will have to go to school with feminine gendered gays, the types who call each other by girl's names and treat each other as girls. Will he fit in there. No way.

Masculine gendered boys who like men can't be given a separate identity than than masculine gendered males who don't (or at least claim they don't) -- this is assuming that the 'heterosexual' boys are genuinely heterosexual, and there is no social pressure on boys to pretend or force themselves to be heterosexual -- and clubbed with the queers. A masculine gendered boy can only relate to and grow up as an equal amongst other masculine gendered males whatever their sexual and other likes and dislikes maybe. And then upon reaching adulthood too, they can't suddenly be expected to start relating with the fems and think of themselves as "different" from the straight men.

People relate to each other on the basis of gender, not on the basis of sexuality.

A masculine gendered male will not think of himself the same as the homosexual queen because as per the 'heterosexualised' society's definition they both have the 'same' sexuality. They don't even have the same sexuality since, even their sexual needs for men are different from each other's. While the masculine gendered male thinks of himself as a man liking another man. The Queen will think of 'herself' as a girl liking a man. There's no similarity between the two.

Or, there's as much similarity between a masculine gendered male who likes men and a homosexual (queen) as there is between him and a woman who likes men. Can you club the masculine male who likes men together with women who like men in a single identity group? Absurd.

Today masculine gendered male's are totally disempowered to claim their sexual need for men, that's why the gays refuse to change the definition of homosexuality and refuse to discuss the viability of the heterosexual concept of 'sexual orientation'. But this is exactly what the oppression of men is all about.

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