Friday, May 21, 2010

It's a big pointer to the invalidity of the concept of 'homosexuality' and that it is malafide, that the concept of 'homosexual' came first and that of 'homosexuailty' came later.

Had it been a valid concept, the concept of 'homosexuality' would have preceded the concept of 'homosexuals.'

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

As long as the feminine gendered males who lust for men, continue to fill up the 'gay' category created by the anti-man forces, and thus give it validity, these anti-man forces will continue to enforce sexual apartheid/ seggregation (sexual orientation) on men, and claim at the sametime that they are actually giving freedom to male need for men (which they equate with 'gay').

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Science and Religion are two peculiarly Western concepts. While Science is organized interpretation of nature and its laws and its application to get what human societies presumably want, Religion is organized spirituality.

However, both these western concepts are corrupt and have done humankind and indeed mother earth, immense harm.

Just like Religion takes away the power to connect to god from the common man and places it in the hands of a few powerful people who are in connivance with the ruling forces, Science takes away the power to observe and comprehend nature and places it in the hands of a few, who work in connivance with the ruling forces too.

Both science and religion thus are organized tools that serve the ruling forces to help them forward their agenda, help them control the lives of people in a way they never could earlier, and thus immensely disempower the individual.

Both science and religion (i.e. Western religions of Judeo/ Chrisian/ Islamic backgrounds) then go on to abuse their power by distorting, misrepresenting and exploiting spirituality and nature to become powerful. Indeed, they even go on to define nature and spirituality on their own terms, and thus starts the real oppression of people at their hands.

Western spirituality (religion) is no spirituality at all. Spirituality is not about whimsical laws to do this and not to do that, in a completely inexplicable way, not related with human or individual betterment at all, but only to serve the organized body or the ruling forces or whimsical interpretations of spirituality or god by the organized, crooked body.

Western science arose with a good intention, in order to oppose organized spirituality by creating organized institution that worked on the principle of logical thinking. Unfortunately, just like antibodies of a virus have to look and work like the virus itself, so an institution that was built to oppose religion took on its shape and structure. But soon, science was taken over by the same ruling social forces that controlled religion, in certain key areas. So, now, while still seemingly opposing religion from the outside, science now forwards the agenda of religion which is actually the agenda of the ruling forces, and it does in a way that religion could never do.

There was never a science or religion before the West invented it (There was just an understanding of laws of nature, and 'spirituality') Just as there was no 'sexuality.' Religion created science and science created sexuality.